How to Learn Product Sense – Jackie Bavaro – Medium

This is the Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have

Of all the relationships in your life, the one that will have the most significant impact on you is the one you have with yourself.

Your relationships with others, your response to circumstances and situations, and your ability to face rejection and adversity are all a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

If this relationship is not solid, no accomplishment, amount of money, or hot girl/guy that will make a long-term difference in your life. As long as the relationship you have with yourself is dependent on external circumstances- you’ll suffer.

1. Upgrade Your Environments

Everything from the spaces we inhabit, to the people we interact with, to the information we consume is an environment that impacts our life, and as a result of the relationship, we have with ourselves. There are 9 environments that make up your life and they are all interrelated. You can’t change one of them and not have it affect the others. One of the fastest ways to do that is to upgrade your physical environment.

While changing how we feel on the inside by changing something on the outside seems counterintuitive and contradictory to the idea of depending on something external, making micro changes to our physical environment can have a huge impact on us.

A couple of months ago I purchased a new desk. It turned out to be smaller than I thought it was. It got dirty easily, had to be propped up with furniture raisers and caused my room to feel incredibly cluttered. After about 6 weeks I noticed I hated working in my room. Right after I replaced it with another desk (pic below), the energy of my room changed. I liked being there again.

Changing the way you dress is another simple “hack” for changing the way you feel. Just think about what you feel like when you get dressed up for a hot date or special occasion. While you don’t have to wear tuxedos and ball gowns every day, making a simple effort to look your best can also play a role in making you feel your best. Even though I typically work from home, I make it a point to get dressed for work and I’ve noticed that I’m much more productive as a result.

Being deliberate about your 9 environments can completely change your life- yet most don’t even know they exist. The first step to fixing your environments is to know exactly where you stand. I’d recommend doing an audit of your 9 environments- sign up for my newsletter here and I’ll email it over to you immediately.

2. Change Your Habits.

I’ve said before that all change begins with habit change. Writing 1000 words a day was the habit changed my life. It’s the keystone habit that created a massive ripple into every other area of my life. But you don’t even have to do something as ambitious as 1000 words a day.